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The Essentials: What to Pack in your Model Bag

Writer's picture: TheModelDiaries TheModelDiaries

What is a model bag? What is inside it? A model bag is exactly what it sounds like, it’s simply the bag models bring to castings and jobs with all of the necessary items they may need for the day. While clients are typically expected to provide the required items at a job, I would still advise for models to be equipped with their essentials. In an unpredictable industry like this one, It’s always best to be prepared for everything, whether it’s a day full of castings or a job. As I always say, you can never know what to expect in the fashion industry. With that in mind, here are my recommended essentials of what to include in your model bag;

  1. Comp cards/Portfolio - Recently most agencies and markets have moved to completely digital portfolios or comp cards, but not always. At the very least, for most of my contracts I will have a physical comp card to bring to castings. It is good to have just in case the client wants it, but if you don’t have a physical one, make sure to keep one on your phone at the very least. 

  2. Heels - This is again, mainly for castings, but bringing a pair of heels with you is always a good idea, in case the client wants to see you in them. They usually won’t ask out of nowhere, but it has happened to me when I didn’t have heels and I hate to look unprepared when at a casting, so I would rather just bring them. 

  3. Nude underwear - At both castings and jobs, you don’t know what they’re going to dress you in, so it is important to have underwear that will not show through the clothes. I prefer to bring nude underwear and nipple covers everywhere, just in case. This is something almost all agencies will ask you to carry.

  4. A Scarf - If you are changing quickly at a job, or even at a casting, you don’t want to be getting makeup all over the clothes. Stylists and clients do not like that. It can be helpful to bring a little scarf of some kind to put over your head to avoid getting makeup on the clothes. This is not an expectation but it can be helpful. It’s up to your personal preference.

  5. Makeup - Another thing that is not a necessity since most of the time clients provide it. It can be nice to bring, in case of touch ups, or if the makeup artist doesn’t have your shade. A lot of models also like to bring their own brushes and mascara, to avoid any bacteria from brushes that don’t belong to them. If you have sensitive skin, or are prone to acne, I would definitely recommend bringing your own brushes. 

  6. Water/Snacks - You need to stay healthy and energized! A full day of castings means you may not have time to stop anywhere to eat, so I recommend bringing snacks on casting days. Even if you’re at a job, they will often only feed you lunch (if that) so I would say bringing your own food and water is best, to maintain your energy all day long. 

  7. Hairbrush/Hair ties - Oftentimes at castings they will ask you to tie your hair back. Hair is an important one, you want to make sure it always looks neat. Having these things in your bag at all times keeps you from having to worry that your hair looks messy, because it is something a client notices immediately. 

  8. Phone Charger - If it’s a long day, you do not want to get to the end of the day and be worried about your phone dying. I try to bring a power bank everywhere, just in case me or one of my friends needs it. You never know if another casting will pop up, or if the job will go overtime, so bringing a charger will stop you from having to panic about your phone battery. 

  9. Headphones/Book - If you have a lot of castings in a day, you will be spending a lot of time in the car. I always like to bring something to entertain me when I’m waiting and driving between castings. Also, sometimes modeling jobs consist of a lot of sitting and waiting, so having something other than mindlessly scrolling on instagram is extremely helpful to keep you entertained. 

When it comes to your model bag, not all items will be necessary for everyone, but this list can provide a solid foundation. As you continue to learn through your modelling journey, you will discover what items work best for you and which ones are unnecessary. Starting out as a model is both exciting and overwhelming, which is why having a guideline like this can be super helpful. These suggestions can offer a starting point for those unsure of what to include in their model bag. From touch-up essentials to emergency supplies, each item ensures you are prepared for any situation that you may find yourself in.

Remember, you don't need to stress yourself out too much on what to pack in your model bag, all it does is help your performance and comfort as a busy model. Thank you for reading my recommendations today! Until next time,

Sammie Taylor

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